Con Edison/Charley

Con Edison/Charley


DCG Provides Skills that Not Only Change Organizations, They Change Lives

Major utility company has a talented employee one step from termination… in a last attempt to save him, he is sent to a GRI™ Workshop.

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  • Charley was one step from losing his job
  • He was negative and cynical and let people know it both at work and at home
  • Charley was unkempt
  • Charley’s wife was one step from leaving and he was in danger of losing his family. They had enough with his behavior
    and attitude
  • Charley’s bosses thought he had talent and sent him to a GRI™ Workshop as a last resort
  • Charley didn’t know this was his last chance


  • Charley attended a GRI™ Workshop
  • He was intrigued by the brain principles he learned
  • He was interested but skeptical about the workshop’s intent – that his ideas can matter, that his managers would listen to him, that he can impact the work
  • He began using the process analysis and innovation tools, especially mind mapping
  • He asked Tony Dottino for reading material to substantiate the concepts.
  • Charlie took home the GIGG homework assignment to try with his family


  • On the final day of the workshop, Charlie arrived clean-shaven in suit and tie and made a polished, professional presentation to management
  • Charley went on to lead multiple GRI™ projects
  • Today, Charley is a respected manager at the utility company
  • He has taught his children to mind map and their test scores have soared
  • He is happily married
  • The evening dinner table at his home became a place of joy
  • One day, Tony Dottino received a phone call from Charley’s wife. She said, “I don’t know who you are or what you did, but thank you for giving me my Charley back.”