Florida Hospital

Florida Hospital


DCG breakthroughs lead to soaring patient satisfaction scores

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  • FloridaHospitalKiss900

    See Full Graphic at bottom

    30% increase in ED volumes and 15% increase in admissions but nowhere to place patients

  • ED expansion preceded addition of new hospital wing
  • Patient Satisfaction scores were less than 20th percentile
  • Process flow of admission to discharge barriers problematic
  • High stress on nursing and Patient Care Tech (PCT) teams of the Med-tele and PCU units
  • Staff morale low and sinking, with nursing turnover greater than 25%


  • DCG Operational Deep Dive™ method of embedded consultant used to get in-depth analysis of day to day barriers moving patients in and out of the unit
  • Mind Maps created of all identified issues and presented at staff meetings, resulting in frontline and leadership consensus and buy-in to develop and implement solutions
  • Leadership Frameworks™ workshops deployed to give nursing leaders new skills and tools to approach day to day crisis with a proactive strategy; engage frontline caregivers to create and implement their own solutions through the GRI™ methodology
  • Leadership Frameworks™ was customized into 4 hour segments, key to: build confidence and culture change; allow them to see how this investment of time will alleviate their problems; and not to overwhelm teams that were already overburdened
  • Grass Roots Innovation (GRI™) workshops gave frontline teams the tools to analyze the root cause of problems, generate solutions, implement them immediately, and establish metrics
  • Operational Deep Dive™ continued as a DCG consultant attended monthly staff meetings and periodic mid-day huddles to coach leaders through periods of change and high work volumes; this enabled the team to keep focus, identify barriers and create/implement action plans to eliminate them
  • The integration of Leadership Frameworks™ and GRI™ provided a sustainable method of ensuring the culture would make permanent changes to handle increased patient volumes


  • Patient satisfaction scores jumped to well above the 75th percentile in 6 composites. Previously, FH did not have a single composite in the 75th percentile
  • Employee Gallup scores went from 3.8 to 4.4 – a statistically significant change
  • Nursing turnover went from > 25% to < 10%
  • GRI™ teams reduced discharge time from 5 to 3 hours, with a goal of 1 hour
  • Hospital volumes grew by 30% and profit by 15%
  • Frontline staff took ownership as action teams that were engaged and enthused and make process improvements a daily way of life
